Jesus, Who is He?
In the most elementary of descriptions, Jesus has an unconditional love for us. We sometimes choose to turn away from God, but His love remains constant regardless of our actions, and He desires that we always turn to Him with complete trust. His true image below,

Book: Life of Christ by Sheen, Fulton J.
Jesus said, "For this reason I was born and have come into the world, to testify to the truth". 'Religion' is a man-made word used to define a concept, to encase it into a manageable category, later subdivided into sub-categories, and so on. After defining its parts, we proudly toss words aside into a bucket full of other definitions. Overwhelmed by man-made fantasies, theories, fiction, arrogantly trying to redefine life through vanity, man has managed to bury inside a bucket, in what is now a house of mirrors, the most crucial Truth for his own salvation.

Jesus Christ in the Trinity, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father.

Trinity Medal. Given to humanity by a Marian apparition in San Nicolas, Argentina, in 1985.
Saint Anselm (1033-1109) clarified for us,
I give thanks that God has created His image in me, so that I may remember Him, think of Him, love Him. But this image is worn away by vice, darkened by the smoke of sin, that it can not do what it was made to do unless God renews it and reforms it... God is perceptive and all knowing without a body, and thus nothing can have power against Him... God is something which nothing greater can be thought to exist both in the mind and reality... God alone can be thought of as not existing, and yet possesses existence to the highest degree.
Saint Augustine (420ac) said,
God does not look ahead to the future, look directly at the present, look back to the past. He sees in some other manner, utterly remote from anything we experience. God does not see things by turning his attention from one thing to another. He sees all without any kind of change. God comprehends all these in a stable and eternal present... he does not consist of mind and body... nor does his attention pass from one thought to another.
Book: City of God by Augustine of Hippo
Let us understand how this knowledge applies to us in our modern times,
Godhead's self; that is to say, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. That you might not understand the length, breadth, depth, and height of the pulpit means that in God is not found either beginning or end. For God is and was without beginning, and shall be without end. And that each color of the three said colors was seen in the others, and yet each color was discerned from the others, means that God the Father is endless in the Son and in the Holy Spirit, and the Son in the Father and in the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit in them both, which are truly one in nature and distinct in property of persons. That one of the colors seemed to be sanguine and red means the Son, who without hurt of his Godhead took man's nature into her person. The white color means the Holy Spirit, by whom is washing away of sins. The golden color means the Father, who is the beginning and the perfection of all things. Not that any perfection is more in the Father than in the Son, nor that the Father is before the Son; but that you understand that the Father is not the same in person, that is the Son. For the Father is other in person, and other is the Son in person, and other is the Holy Spirit in person; but one in nature. Therefore three colors are shown to you both separated and joined together; separated for distinction of persons, and joined together for union of nature. And as in each color you see the other colors, and you might not see one without another, and there was nothing in the colors before nor after, more nor less, right so in the Trinity is nothing before nor after, more nor less, separated nor joined; but one will, one eternity, one power and one glory. And though the Son is of the Father, and the Holy Spirit of both, yet the Father was never without the Son and the Holy Spirit, nor the Son and the Holy Spirit without the Father'.[God to S.Bridget,1360]