Roman Catholic Mass, what we are missing
After so much reading, we get a sense of unseen miracles during Mass. When we approach our parish, an angel stands on the church grounds, guarding it. It radiates light according to the faith of its parishioners. When the priest says, "Lift up your hearts," we are now at the Mass in heaven. Bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Jesus. The priest then breaks the bread, baby Jesus Himself, and eats Him, literally (Saint Faustina would see this). When we eat Jesus' body, it reinforces our hearts with graces according to the state of our soul; it will do nothing to a soul that has an aversion to it because of mortal sin, but it causes Jesus great pain**. Confession will clean the soul and more graces are obtained by going to confession regularly. Confession is a way to recognise what we have to work on (not just a list of sins). After Mass, focus on your ability to give love, not on your sins.
Book: Diary Of St Maria Faustina Kowalska: DIVINE MERCY IN MY SOUL by Kowalska, St. Maria Faustina
We have a guardian angel assigned to us until death. He will defend us in our hour of death against demons trying to raise our souls to a state of despair for our sins. Many books attest to this. Pray like a child, enthrone Jesus in your heart as the sole ruler of your life. Dethrone earthly affections and ambitions.
Trust in God, work on your faith, and trust in His Providence, life's tragedies serve a purpose that we may not understand.
In one book (as my memory fails), a nun asked Jesus: "When in the last century did you feel people's love the most?". Jesus said: "In the great depression of the 1930s, people flooded my churches in prayer". That statement brings sadness to my heart. Are we going to wait for a tragedy in our lives to go to Mass? Are we going to pray more deeply when people get sick or when we get sick? If your family is healthy and you are prosperous, go to Mass and pray even more deeply. Give your prayers to Mary. She will present them to the Father, with no strings attached, for other people in need.
Book: The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Hahn, Scott
Book: 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration by Fr Michael E Gaitley
Jesus clarified to a Benedict Monk priest in 2008,
Never fail to recognize the mystical presence of My Mother in the Mass. She is there at your side. She rejoices in your distribution of the fruits of My redemption, and participates in it. The hands of every priest are, in some way, held in My Mother's hands. She acts with the priest. Her participation in the Holy Sacrifice renewed upon the altar is silent but efficacious. Her presence at the altar, though invisible, is real. My Church has long acknowledged the presence of My Mother at every offering of My Holy Sacrifice, but it is now more than ever necessary that priests should deepen their awareness of this most precious gift. She is the Coredemptrix. Just as My Sacrifice is renewed mystically in every Mass, her offering, her participation in My offering, is also renewed.
Book: In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart - The Journal of a Priest at Prayer by A Benedictine Monk
A miracle photo at host consecration gives us a better understanding of how baby Jesus is handed down to the priest by Mary. Saint Joseph is standing next to her as well,

Matching Sister Mary Ephrem's (1916-2000) description of Saint Joseph in her apparitions: "The color of his hair as also of his rather small and slightly forked beard seemed a very dark brown. His eyes resembled in color the hair and beard." Why is Saint Joseph in the photo? Venerable Mary of Jesus of Agreda, in 1650 ("Mystical City of God"), wrote that Jesus promised at Joseph's death: "I will assign Joseph a place... so high that he will be the admiration of the angels and will cause them and all men to break forth in highest praise." In 1694, Servant of God Mother Mectilde of the Holy Sacrament said: "Joseph is one of the most powerful saints in Heaven, after Blessed Mary... honor his connection and relationship with the Most Holy Trinity, as no other saint has it."
Book: The Merit of a Mass by Father Chad Ripperger
**"They shamelessly go up to the altar and place me before them and touch me, who am true God and true man...but when he[evil] puts my body to his mouth, then I am no longer present to him through the grace of my Divinity and Manhood; only the form and flavor of bread remain for him... evil and good do not gain the same benefit or perfection from my body." (St. Bridget, Vol 1, 1360)